MULTICULTURALISM AND DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON: a brief Study of this multifaceted relationship.


  • Fabiana Beppler
  • Priscila Luciene Santos De Lima
  • Mara Darcanchy


Human Rights, Principle of Human Dignity, Guarantee of access to culture, Multiculturalism


This article aims to reflect on the dignity of the human person and multiculturalism, analyzing the dichotomy between respect for the minimum condition of human existence - an absolute and constitutionally enshrined value that consolidates respect for the human person - and the existence of various cultural and customary expressions which must also be respected and preserved to guarantee sustainable and dignified development for peoples. The study was developed through a literature search. The Federal Constitution of 1988 deals with the dignity of the human person as one of the foundations of the Republic, thus, the right to an integral and dignified existence has a basic and mandatory character in the Brazilian legal system. Likewise, access to culture is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and must be preserved and made available to all citizens, which makes the present study of great importance for the analysis of the various aspects of the culture x human rights relationship, aiming at understanding of human processes and their consequences in contemporary reality.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Fabiana Beppler

    Master's student in Law and Sustainable Development in the Professional Master's Program in Law at the Facvest University Center - UNIFACVEST/SC. Specialist in Civil Law from Anhanguera University - AESA. Member of the Commission on Legal Education of the OAB/SC. Effective Legal Advisor to the Curitibanos/SC City Council, General Ombudsman of the Legislative Branch and Attorney.

  • Priscila Luciene Santos De Lima

    Post-Doctorate in New Technologies and Law from the Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria - Italy. PhD in Political and Economic Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University - UPM. Master in Business Law and Citizenship from Curitiba University Center - UNICURITIBA. Specialist in Material Labor Law and Labor Procedure from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUC/PR. Undergraduate and Post-graduate Professor, Educational Manager, and

  • Mara Darcanchy

    Post-Doctorate in International Law from the Università degli Studi di Perugia - Italy and Bi-Post-Doc in Corporate Law and Citizenship - Brazil. Doctor and Master in Social Relations Law from PUC/SP. Specialist in Law from Permanent Professor of the Master in Law Program of Unifacvest/SC; Collaborating Professor of the Master and Doctorate in Law Program of Unicuritiba/PR and Senior Researcher CNPq.




Como Citar

MULTICULTURALISM AND DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON: a brief Study of this multifaceted relationship. (2023). Revista Direito, Desenvolvimento E Cidadania, 2(1).